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And like dominoes my entire spring is falling to the wayside of COVID-19, photography workshops, planned business trips and photo outings so I could have more content to sell and use for exhibitions is gone. The loss of that is so hard to quantify, as that is tied into the creation aspect of my art.

What is much easier to quantify is the loss of income I’ll experience from the cancelled art festivals where I was planning to vend. It will hurt, but I can weather it.

But as much as this is an inconvenience, as much as it may have financial impact, at the end of the day this is about the health of our community. These measures are about slowing the progression of the disease so we do not overwhelm our medical institutions, and about trying to protect those who would be most vulnerable to exposure. I support those efforts.

I’ve gone ahead and removed mention to all of the various festivals and exhibitions that have been cancelled this Spring from my website that I was to vend and attend at.

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